Instant Check In + Out for Visitors of All Kinds
Visitors can automatically register themselves with a simple scan of their driver's license, or with a pre-issued ID card or fob. KeepnTrack prints color-coded badges, giving administrators the ability to differentiate each person and determine when and where they should be.

Help Parents and Students Feel Secure with Extra Precautions
Paper sign-in sheets can't reveal a criminal history, nor can they help you locate everyone on campus in the event of an emergency. Identify threats before they gain access to your campus by running instant sex offender and criminal background checks, and track visitor activity in real-time with alerts and notifications.
Save Time and Resources
Eliminate staff time wasted checking-in guests, organizing paper documents, manually calculating volunteer hours and activities, or attempting to locate historical records. Run reports in a snap and make more insightful decisions with helpfully segmented data.